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Adventurous Training is an essential part of the Air Cadet's training syllabus and the place where team effort really matters - you'll build new friendships, and learn to rely on the other people you're with to get the job done. It also lets you show off your leadership qualities.


If you have a head for heights, climbing can be incredibly rewarding, just ask anyone who's tried it. It's not just a physical challenge but one where concentration and judgement are equally important. Teamwork is also key as you rely on others and they rely on you. All cadet climbing is supervised by professionally qualified instructors, so you're in safe hands.

Get a grip

Holding on can be harder work than it looks. Climbing exercises all parts of your body, developing upper body strength, arm and even finger muscles through gripping. It also encourages muscular development in the legs.

Get over the initial aching muscles and you'll find you can ascend quicker and navigate obstacles and overhangs with ease. A few squadrons even have their own climbing walls where you can get a taste for. Then put your new skills to the test - many squadrons go on regular climbing trips. That's where you get a real sense of achievement - sitting on top of a sheer wall of rock that you and your friends have climbed through your own effort and by working together.

Something for everyone

Remember, whatever your personal tastes, nothing is compulsory. There is a wide range of adventurous activities to get stuck into, so if climbing isn't for you perhaps canoeing is. Sometimes what's on offer depends on the squadron you attend, but everything you do is supervised by qualified trainers who will ensure you get the most out of it.

Between local activities and visits to camps, you will have the chance to experience kayaking, hill walking, camping, caving, mountain biking, offshore sailing and winter sports to name just a few.

​​Call us:

01525 406700

Tuesday - Thursday

19:15 - 21:30

​Find us: 

The Drill Hall

Woburn Road


MK45 2HX

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